Ntegrator International Ltd. - Annual Report 2020

41 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 8. Material factors (continued) 8.7 Robust corporate governance framework A high standard of corporate governance is integral in ensuring sustainability of our business as well as safeguarding shareholders’ interest and maximising long-term shareholder value. We have implemented a whistle blowing policy to provide a mechanism for employees to raise concerns through accessible confidential disclosure channels about possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting and others. During the Reporting Period, zero incident of serious offence 8 is reported through our whistle blowing channel (FY2019: zero incident). We have also put in place a risk management framework (“ERM framework”). We regularly assess and review our business and operational environment to better identify and manage emerging and strategic sustainability risks. Our overall Singapore Governance and Transparency Index (“SGTI”) score assessed by National University of Singapore Business School is 58 (FY2019: 65) for the year 2020. We will continuously work towards improving our SGTI score. You may refer to the Corporate Governance Report of this Annual Report for details on our corporate governance practices. Target for FY2020 Performance in FY2020 Target for FY2021 • Maintain zero incident of serious offence • Maintain or improve our SGTI score Target partially met as follows: • Zero incident of serious offence is reported through our whistle blowing channel • SGTI score assessed by National University of Singapore Business School decreased by 7 points • Maintain zero incident of serious offence • SGTI score should not fall below 50 8.8 Environmental We are primarily a service company and after assessing the level of concern to external stakeholders and potential impact on business, our impact on the environment is deemed not to be a material Sustainability Factor. Nonetheless, we constantly track and control our resource consumption which comprises energy, water and waste generated from our operations. 8 A serious offence is defined as one that involves fraud or dishonesty amounting to not less than SGD 100,000 and punishable by imprisonment for a term of not less than 2 years which is being or has been committed against the company by officers or employees of the company.