Ntegrator International Ltd. - Annual Report 2020

40 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 8. Material factors (continued) 8.5 Employee retention (continued) Target for FY2020 Performance in FY2020 Target for FY2021 Maintain or improve performance measures identified on staff retention Target met as follows: No material changes in employee retention rate between FY2019 and FY2020 Maintain or improve employee retention rate subject to business performance and market conditions 8.6 Equality and diversity in the workplace We aim to provide a working environment for employees that fosters fairness, equality and respect for social and cultural diversity, regardless of gender and age. Therefore, we are committed to the goals of diversity and equal opportunity in employment. With regards to gender diversity, the percentage of female to total full-time employees 7 is 30% (FY2019: 28%) and about 23% (FY2019: 17%) of managers 7 are females as at 31 December 2020. Due to the nature of our business, our workforce is predominantly staffed by male employees. For age diversity, matured workers are valued for their experience, knowledge and skills. As at 31 December 2020, 63% (FY2019: 57%) of the workforce 7 is at least 40 years old. For diversity in educational background, we seek to create an inclusive environment for employees from different educational background. As at 31 December 2020, the percentages of employees 7 with tertiary and non-tertiary education are 57% and 43% (FY2019: 51% and 49%) respectively. To promote equal opportunity, we have in place various human resource related processes as follows: • A formal interview assessment process is in place to guide interviewers to assess employees based on merit and competency; • Staff recruitment advertisements do not state age, race, gender or religion preferences as requirement; and • Staff assessment is performed regularly to evaluate the performance of employees and adjust their remuneration where justifiable. Target for FY2020 Performance in FY2020 Target for FY2021 Move towards a more balanced gender, age and educational diversity ratios Target met as follows: No material changes in diversity ratios between FY2019 and FY2020 • Ratio of female against male employees should not fall below 20% • Ratio of female against male managers should not fall below 20% • Ratio of employees with age 40 and above should not fall below 20% • Ratio of employees with non- tertiary education should not fall below 40% 7 Figure excludes term contract workers that are hired for the fiber cable laying business. Gender diversity (all employees) Female 30% Male 70% Educational diversity (all employees) Non-tertiary 43% Tertiary 57% Gender diversity (managers) Female 23% Male 77% Age diversity (all employees) 30-39 27% Above 40 63% Below30 10%