Ntegrator International Ltd. - Annual Report 2020

39 8. Material factors (continued) 8.4 Welfare and rights of foreign workers The business for providing cable laying services is labour intensive and requires the services of a large number of foreign workers. We recognise that foreign workers play an important role in our Group’s value chain and the success of our business. Accordingly, we are committed to protect the welfare and rights of our foreign workers. We employed 289 (FY2019: 372) foreign workers as at 31 December 2020. In light of the Pandemic and the resultant decrease in business activities, we have reduced the number of foreign workers employed. We reaffirm our commitment to foreign workers through the following efforts: • Align our Group’s business to the broader national policy pertaining to foreign workers, such as the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act, which regulates the employment of foreign workers and protect their well-being; • Ensure that our foreign workers are provided with living and working conditions that not only comply with regulations, but are also reasonably clean, spacious, safe and livable. Our foreign workers are housed in licensed dormitories; and • Foreign workers are encouraged to upskill with training and certification. As at 31 December 2020, the number of highly skilled foreign worker 4 as a proportion of total foreign workers is approximately 35% (FY2019: 31%). Target for FY2020 Performance in FY2020 Target for FY2021 Maintain or improve the protection of foreign worker rights and welfare Target met as follows: Percentage of highly skilled foreign workers amongst total number of foreign workers increased to 35% Percentage of highly skilled foreign workers amongst total number of foreign workers should not fall below 25% 8.5 Employee retention The success of our business relies heavily on maintaining a team of professional, skilled and experienced employees. As at 31 December 2020, our total number of employees 5 stands at 67 (FY2019: 76). We are committed to employee retention through the following efforts: • A code of conduct is in place to provide guidance on employee benefits and disseminate corporate culture; • Competitive remuneration and benefits package; • Staff assessments are performed regularly to evaluate staff performance and employees are encouraged to undergo training that will improve their skills and abilities. During the Reporting Period, 100% (FY2019: 100%) of employees 5 received regular performance reviews; and • Loyal employees are presented with long service awards. We strongly believe that a low turnover improves the sustainability of our operations and allows us to contribute positively to the development of social and human capital. As at 31 December 2020, 66% (FY2019: 66%) of employees 5 and 86% (FY2019: 83%) of managers 5 have served more than 3 years with us. In addition, our turnover rate 6 is 33% (FY2019: 29%) as at 31 December 2020. 4 Based on criteria set by the Ministry of Manpower on relevant years of experience, academic qualifications, skill-based test qualification and minimum fixed monthly salary 5 Figure excludes term contract workers that are hired for the fiber cable laying business. 6 Turnover rate is calculated by dividing the total number of leavers by the average number of employees from entities covered SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Approximately 35% of our foreign workers are highly skilled 4 Below 3 years 34% 3 to 5 years 9% Above 5 years 57% Years of service (all employees) Years of service (managers) Below 3 years 14% 3 to 5 years 5% Above 5 years 81%