Ntegrator International Ltd. - Annual Report 2020
38 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 8. Material factors (continued) 8.3 Safe working environment (continued) Our Group places heavy emphasis on the need to comply with the applicable workplace safety and health regulations for our projects. Below are the key measures taken to manage health and safety at workplace: • A set of safety rules and regulations is in place; • A safety committee is in place and safety inspections are performed regularly by safety officers and reported to senior managers; • All new employees are briefed on safety procedures during orientation; and • Toolbox meetings are conducted regularly at project sites to brief employees on workplace hazards and safe work practices. We recorded zero incident of workplace fatality (FY2019: zero incident) during the Reporting Period and 8 (FY2019: 8) non-fatal workplace injuries 3 , resulting in 59 man-days (FY2019: 152 man-days) lost during the Reporting Period. The non-fatal workplace injuries mainly relate to finger, ankle and chest injuries. Lessons from the non-fatal workplace accidents are shared across business units to prevent recurrence. Our key subsidiaries, Ntegrator Pte Ltd and Fiber Reach Pte Ltd are bizSAFE Star certified by the Workplace Safety and Health Council. Both certifications recognise our continuous efforts to incorporate safety as part of the business model. We have a safe management measure monitoring plan (“Monitoring Plan”) in place to provide us with a framework to ensure that our workplaces resume operations safely and smoothly. This Monitoring Plan is developed and implemented to prevent the re-emergence of community and workplace cases so that preventive safe management measures can be implemented ahead of time. We have also responded quickly to the Pandemic by providing our employees with masks, hand sanitisers and contactless infrared thermometers. To further ensure the safety of our employees, we have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of our premises, conduct temperature screenings upon entry into our premises and offer our employees the option to telecommute. On a broader context, our foreign workers supplement our nation’s workforce and contribute to the building of our nation’s telecommunications infrastructure. In light of the Pandemic, we have provided masks to all our foreign workers and housed them at different dormitories and rooms. Operationally, we have divided them into different teams to support our customers who are providers of the essential services to minimise the risk of cross infections. Upon being notified of a confirmed case, we will adopt the following precautionary measures: • Immediately vacate and cordon-off the immediate section of the workplace premises where the confirmed case worked; and • Carry out thorough cleaning and disinfection of all relevant areas and assets that were exposed to confirmed cases, in accordance to NEA guidelines. Target for FY2020 Performance in FY2020 Target for FY2021 Reduce the number of workplace incidents (where applicable) Target met as follows: • Zero incident of workplace fatality • 8 incidents of non-fatal workplace injuries and resulting in 59 man- days lost. We maintained the number of non-fatal workplace incidents and achieved an improvement in the number of man-days lost as compared to the previous year Reduce the number of workplace incidents (where applicable) 3 A workplace injury is defined as one whereby an employee is injured in a work accident resulting in (i) hospitalisation of at least 24 hours and/or (ii) an issuance of a medical certificate of more than 3 days (need not be consecutive)