Ntegrator International Ltd. - Annual Report 2020

36 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 8. Material factors (continued) List of material sustainability factors (continued) S/N Material factor Key stakeholder SDG Reporting priority Governance 7 Robust corporate governance framework • Shareholders • Regulators Peace, justice and strong institutions Material factor matrix • Total customer satisfaction • Sustainable business performance • Safe working environment Low Medium High Low Medium High • Equality and diversity in the workplace Stakeholders’ concern Business impact • Employee retention • Welfare and rights of foreign workers • Robust corporate governance framework We will update the material factors on an annual basis to reflect changes in business operations, environment, stakeholders’ feedback and sustainability trends. The details of each key Sustainability Factor are presented as follows: 8.1 Total customer satisfaction We are committed to offering world-class and high-tech network infrastructure and voice communication systems. With a proven track record, we are able to secure material contracts from repeat customers and establish a strong customer base. Our strategies towards customer satisfaction are as follows: Offer comprehensive solutions that meet customers’ needs We provide total end-to-end business solutions for our full spectrum of project consultation, design, installation and implementation of data, video, fibre optics, wireless and cellular network and cellular network infrastructure and voice communication systems. We also provide network integration services which range from fixed line to wireless solutions, as well as seamless integration of voice and data signals used in telephone network which include video conferencing, voice messaging and recording systems. As a one-stop service provider, we also provide maintenance services such as hardware and software repair services, round-the-clock onsite and dial-in technical support and support services on an online customer relationship management (“CRM”) system.