Ntegrator International Ltd. - Annual Report 2020

35 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 7. Policy, practice and performance reporting (continued) 7.3 Materiality assessment Under our SR Policy, each Sustainability Factor is assigned a reporting priority that determines the actions required as illustrated in the table below: Reporting priority Description Criteria High Factors with high reporting priority should be reported in detail. Medium Factors with medium reporting priority should be considered for inclusion in the Report. We may decide to exclude them in the Report, if immaterial. Low Factors with low reporting priority may be reported to fulfil regulatory or other reporting requirements. If immaterial, these factors may be excluded from the Report. The reporting priority is supported by a materiality factor matrix which considers the level of concern to stakeholders (“Stakeholders’ Concern”) and significance of our impacts on the economy, environment and society (“Business Impact”). 7.4 Performance tracking and reporting We track the progress of our material factors by identifying the relevant data points, measuring and monitoring them. In addition, we set performance targets that are aligned with our strategy to ensure that we remain focused in our path to sustainability. We shall consistently enhance our performance-monitoring processes and improve our data capture systems. The sustainability trends can be found in the Appendix. 8. Material factors Our materiality assessment performed for FY2020 involved our SC in identifying Sustainability Factors deemed material to our businesses and our stakeholders so as to allow us to channel our resources judiciously to create sustainability value for our stakeholders. Presented below are a list of material Sustainability Factors applicable to our Group: List of material Sustainability Factors S/N Material factor Key stakeholder SDG Reporting priority Customer experience 1 Total customer satisfaction • Customers • Suppliers Decent work and economic growth Economic 2 Sustainable business performance Shareholders Decent work and economic growth Social 3 Safe working environment Employees Good health and well-being 4 Welfare and rights of foreign workers Employees Good health and well-being 5 Employee retention Employees Decent work and economic growth 6 Equality and diversity in the workplace Employees Reduced inequalities