Ntegrator International Ltd. - Annual Report 2020

31 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 1. Board statement (continued) A summary of our sustainability performance in FY2020 is as follows: S/N Material factor and reporting priority Sustainability performance Our efforts Customer experience 1 Total customer satisfaction We continue to provide comprehensive and timely solutions to our customers Offer comprehensive solutions by leveraging on robust relationship with suppliers and team of experienced employees Economic 2 Sustainable business performance The Group experienced a net loss attributable to equity holders of the Company which mainly arises from a decline in revenue from the project management and maintenance services businesses as a result of the cessation of work and reduction of services during the Coronavirus disease 2019 (“Pandemic”) Create long-term economic value for shareholders by leveraging on our strong relationships with customers and key suppliers Social 3 Safe working environment • Zero incident of workplace fatality • 8 incidents of non-fatal workplace injuries and resulting in 59 man-days lost • A safety committee is in place and safety inspections are performed regularly • A set of safety rules and regulations is in place and employees are trained on the safety procedures regularly 4 Welfare and rights of foreign workers Percentage of highly skilled foreign workers amongst total number of foreign workers increased to 35% • Align to the broader national policy pertaining to foreign workers • Upgrade the skillsets of foreign workers through training and certification 5 Employee retention No material changes in employee retention rate between FY2019 and FY2020 • A code of conduct is in place to provide guidance on employee benefits and disseminate corporate culture • Recognise loyal employees and encourage employees to undergo training 6 Equality and diversity in the workplace No material changes in diversity ratios between FY2019 and FY2020 Assess employees based on merit and competency Governance 7 Robust corporate governance framework • Zero incident of serious offence • Singapore Governance and Transparency Index (“SGTI”) score is 58 Put in place a whistle blowing policy and risk management framework