Ntegrator International Ltd. - Annual Report 2020

44 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Appendix 2 GRI Content Index GRI standard & disclosure title Section reference Page Organisation profile 102-1 Name of the organisation Cover Page - 102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services • About Ntegrator • Our Business 02-03 05 102-3 Location of headquarters Corporate Information - 102-4 Location of operations About Ntegrator 02-03 102-5 Ownership and legal form • Group Structure • Financial Contents > Notes to the Financial Statements > General Information • Financial Contents > Notes to the Financial Statements > Investments in Subsidiary Corporations • Statistic of Shareholdings 04 61 78-79 98 102-6 Markets served About Ntegrator 02-03 102-7 Scale of the organisation • Group Structure • Operations and Financial Review • Financial Highlights • Sustainability Report > Material Factors > Sustainable business performance • Sustainability Report > Material Factors > Welfare and Rights of Foreign Workers • Sustainability Report > Material Factor > Employee Retention • Sustainability Report > Material Factor > Equality and Diversity in the Workplace • Financial Contents > Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income • Financial Contents > Consolidated Statement of Financial Position • Financial Contents > Statement of Financial Position 04 08-09 13 37 39 39-40 40 55 56 57 102-8 Information on employees and other workers • Sustainability Report > Material Factors > Welfare and Rights of Foreign Workers • Sustainability Report > Material Factor > Employee Retention • Sustainability Report > Material Factors > Equality and Diversity in the Workplace 39 39-40 40 102-9 Supply chain • About Ntegrator • Corporate Governance Report > Suppliers • Sustainability Report > Our Business 02-03 29 32 102-10 Significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain There was no significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain during the Reporting Period - 102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach None - 102-12 External initiatives Sustainability Report > Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals 42 102-13 Membership of associations None - Strategy 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker Sustainability Report > Board Statement 30-32 Ethics and integrity 102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour • Corporate Governance Report • Sustainability Report > Material Factors > Robust Corporate Governance Framework 14-29 41 Governance 102-18 Governance structure • Corporate Governance Report • Sustainability Report > Policy, Practice and Performance Reporting > Reporting Structure 14-29 34