Ntegrator International Ltd. - Annual Report 2020

23 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT REMUNERATION MATTERS (continued) Principle 8: Disclosure on Remuneration (continued) (B) Remuneration of top 3 Key Management Personnel who are not Directors Name Salary (1) % Other Benefits (2) % Total % Between $250,000 to $500,000 Kenneth Sw Chan Kit 90.7 9.3 100 Below $250,000 Vincent Vinu Edward 96.4 3.6 100 Raymond Chia Kok Hian 96.1 3.9 100 Notes: (1) Includes AWS and CPF (2) Transport, medical, insurance. Details of Directors’ interests in shares are set out on page 48 of the Annual Report. (C) Remuneration of employees who are substantial shareholders, or who are immediate family members of a Director or a substantial shareholder of the Company There were no employees who were substantial shareholders, or who were immediate family members of any Director or, the Managing Director in FY2020. The Company has no substantial shareholder ( Provisions 8.2 of 2018 Code ). (D) There were no termination, retirement or post-employment benefits granted to Directors and the top 3 Key Management Personnel (who are not Directors). (E) There are no remuneration and other payments and benefits paid by the Company and its subsidiaries to Directors and Key Management Personnel of the Company ( Provision 8.3 of 2018 Code ). ACCOUNTABILITY AND AUDIT Principle 9: Risk Management and Internal Controls The Board is responsible for the governance of risk and ensures that Management maintains a sound system of risk management and internal controls, to safeguard the interests of the company and its shareholders The Board is responsible for the governance of risk and sets the tone and direction for the Group in the way risks are managed in the Group’s businesses. The Board has ultimate responsibility for approving the strategy of the Group in a manner which addresses stakeholders’ expectations and does not expose the Group to an unacceptable level of risk. The Board approves the key risk management policies and ensures a sound system of risk management and internal controls and monitors performance against them. In addition to determining the approach to risk governance, the Board sets and instils the right risk focused culture throughout the Group for effective risk governance ( Provision 9.1 of 2018 Code ). The Group’s Risk Management Framework which identifies key risks within the Group’s businesses, is aligned with the ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management framework. The Risk Management Framework is reviewed by the AC and approved by the Board ( Provision 9.1 of 2018 Code ).