Investor Relations
Investor Relations Policy
Ntegrator International Ltd (“Ntegrator” or the “Company” and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) is committed to providing accurate and unbiased disclosures of material information to the public in a timely manner, in accordance with the listing rules, stipulated by the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”), the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2012 and current best practices.
- General Policy
- The Investor Relations (“IR”) policy outlines the processes and practices that the Company adopts to ensure effective communication of information to shareholders and the investment community, in a timely manner.
- All disclosures submitted to SGX-ST through SGXNet shall be made available on the Company’s corporate website (
- This Policy is subject to regular review by the senior management and board of directors of the Company (the “Board”). Updates and amendments, as appropriate, may be made to reflect current best practices.
- Shareholder Rights
- Ntegrator strives to treat all Shareholders fairly and equitably, and will recognize, protect, facilitate the exercise of Shareholders’ rights. The Company will continually review and update such governance arrangements by adhering to the following guidelines:
- The Company would facilitate the opportunity for Shareholders to participate in and vote at general meetings. The Shareholders would also be informed of the rules, including voting procedures that govern the general meetings.
- The Company will allow corporations which provide nominee or custodial services to appoint more than two proxies so that Shareholders who hold shares through such corporations can attend and participate in general meetings as proxies.
- Communication Principles
- The Company strives to disseminate pertinent information to its Shareholders and the investment community in an accurate, fair and timely manner.
- All disclosures will be communicated clearly and factually. The Company aims to provide a balanced and consistent level of disclosure on all its developments, both positive and negative.
- The Company communicates only through designated spokespersons who will establish and maintain regular dialogue with Shareholders to seek and understand their views, as well as to answer queries by investors or the media.
- The Company does not respond to rumours or market speculation. In the event that material information is deemed to have been leaked or where there is unusual market or trading activities that could be attributable to such rumours or market speculation, timely clarifications will be made via announcements through SGXNet.
- The Company observes a “Trade Blackout Period” of one month prior to the announcement of its half-year and full-year results. During this period, the Company does not comment on industry outlook, the Group’s business performance and financial results.
- Engagement with Investment Community
Ntegrator is committed to cultivating long-term relationships with its stakeholders and engaging in two-way communication with investors through several touch points including one-on-one meetings and general meetings.These engagements provide platforms for active discussions on the Group’s financial performance, current industry trends, prospects and sustainability issues with the investment community.Shareholders’ Meetings
- The Company’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) serves as an important platform for shareholders to communicate directly with the Board. The directors and senior management of the Company are present to address Shareholders’ queries and concerns.
- The Company facilitates the opportunity for Shareholders to participate effectively and vote in general Shareholders’ meetings. The Annual Report and Notice of AGM are despatched to Shareholders within the stipulated timeline to ensure that sufficient time is given Shareholders to review the documents.
- Notices for general meetings for Shareholders are published in the local newspaper, released via SGXNET and posted on Ntegrator’s corporate website.
- Shareholders are briefed on the voting procedures for the general meetings by external scrutineers who are appointed by the Company to count and validate the votes. Minutes of these meetings are prepared by the Company Secretary and made available to shareholders upon request.
- An announcement of the voting results will be made in a timely manner via SGXNet after the conclusion of each meeting.
Semi Annual Results Reporting
- Half-yearly financial statements are released on SGXNET and uploaded on Ntegrator’s corporate website (
Corporate Website
- Financial results, business developments, factsheets, annual reports, press releases, SGXNET announcements and other relevant corporate information will be made available in the “Investors Relations” section of the Company’s corporate website (
- Members of the public may subscribe to the Company’s e-mail alert to receive regular updates on Company announcements and SGXNet filings.
- Shareholder Privacy
- The Company recognises the importance of its Shareholders’ privacy and will not disclose Shareholders’ information without consent, unless required by law.